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Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms

by Sander Francken

Dealing and Wheeling in Small Arms film poster
Runtime: 53′

A dangerous trade kept from the public eye. “Dealing and wheeling in small arms” shows the causes and impact of the trade—both legal, ‘grey’ and illegal—in small arms and its ammunitions, in particular in regions where the European Union and the United Nations are active, such as former Yugoslavia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The film demonstrates how small arms rule and ruin the lives of a growing number of people in developing countries and opens up our consciousness to a global reality rarely shown to the general public.

The film was followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Sander Francken.

UN Cinema News


Ciné-ONU screening of “Raise the Bar” to mark the International Day of the Girl Child

9 October - To mark the International Day of the Girl Child, the United Nations, the European Week of Action for Girls' Coalition, the Embassy of Iceland and the European Commission present "Raise the Bar", by Gudjon Ragnarsson.

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