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Champion and Partnership Awards (FAO)


Deadline: 1 March 2022

Submit your nomination NOW for the Champion and Partnership Awards! Honouring heroes who transform agrifood systems and inspire change.

The new annual Awards acknowledge progress in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Awards are open to individuals, organizations, governments, foundations, academia or private sector leaders across the world.  We want to hear your story about how you are transforming agrifood systems, advocating for change, or bringing about a chain reaction towards better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life. Celebrate the efforts of individuals or institutions that are taking concrete steps towards building a sustainable food secure future for all and submit an application to the Awards Secretariat.

FAO Partnership Award

A successful sustainable development agenda requires strong global partnerships and cooperation between governments, the private sector, civil society and academia. The objective of this Award is to recognize and reward the efforts of noteworthy and effective partnerships that contribute to achieving sustainable development.

Champion Award

The Champion Award is FAO’s highest honour. It recognises outstanding leaders from governments, civil society and the private sector whose actions have a transformative impact towards increased food security and achieving the 2030 Agenda, making sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.

The Award, which includes a cash prize of USD 50 000, will be presented by the FAO Director-General to the winning individual or representative of the recipient institution at a special ceremony during the FAO Council from 13-17 June 2022.


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