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Adaptation visual art competition

Deadline: 30 September 2020

Calling all painters, doodlers, designers, solarpunks, graphic designers, illustrators, chalk artists, papier-mâché masters ages 17 and under! Enter the Adaptation Visual Art Competition and showcase your vision for a resilient future!

Climate change presents the most urgent long-term challenge the world has ever faced. At the same time, it presents an opportunity to reimagine how we interact with the natural world and, by adapting to climate change, to build a greener, healthier, and safer future.

What do you imagine a climate-resilient future in 2030 will look like? What will our buildings and classrooms look like? What will our clothing look like? What type of food will we eat and where will we get it from? How will we move around? How will we connect with the natural world and our communities?

Adaptation Visual Art Competition rules: Open to children under 17 years of age and under around the world. Submit a photo or scanned image of your artwork along with your name, age, and country by 30 September 2020, 23:59 CEST.

Entries will be judged by a UNFCCC selection panel, who will select up to 45 finalists, split across three age brackets (7 years old and under, 8- to 12-years old, and 13- to 17-years old). From the pool of finalists, the selection panel will select up to 15 winners split across the same three age brackets.

Finalists will be published on the official website of the United Nations Climate Change Technical Examination Process on Adaptation.

Winning entries will be announced on the UNFCCC website with the names and pictures of the authors, and will be featured in publications issued by the UN Climate Change secretariat.

The creators of the top three entries will be awarded certificates and prizes by the UNFCCC.


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