With over 450 million listeners worldwide, podcasts continue to grow in popularity around the world. At UNRIC, we’re featuring the most comprehensive listing of podcasts, with over 70 series and standalone podcasts, produced by the United Nations, its agencies, funds and programmes. Our listing is updated regularly, adding new series and episodes, keeping you engaged with the latest UN news, expert opinions, stories and interviews on all the topics being discussed across the UN system.
Use the anchor list or scroll down to get started. Individual entries for each podcast are also available in our Engagement Hub’s UN Podcasts section.
United Nations podcasts are available on most mainstream platforms, including; Spotify, Apple, Google or Soundcloud.
A reminder that our Hub also features an extensive list of UN e-Learning courses, as well as listings of UN Mobile Apps, Video Games, Awards, Prizes and Competitions. Check it out.
(Think we are missing a UN podcast? Click here to get in touch).
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Target Zero Hunger: the series delves into the core issues of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From eradicating poverty and hunger to mitigating and adapting to climate change, rethinking food and agriculture production is critical to feeding a growing population and achieving these goals.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Nuclear Explained: reveals how nuclear is integrated into and benefits so many aspects of our daily lives.
Talk Podcasts: podcasts featuring scientists and experts discussing issues related to nuclear science and its peaceful applications.
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Farms. Food. Future: raises awareness on the challenges smallholder farmers in developing countries are facing around food security.
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Climate Biz: the insider’s podcast on the business of climate.
Creating Markets: tells the behind-the-scenes stories of the people, trends, and ideas that are driving private sector investment in developing countries.
Future Keepers: key policymakers and leaders from the private sector have given an insight into how they remain resilient in the face of huge challenges.
International Labour Organization (ILO)
Global challenges – Global solutions: series explores megatrends such as digitalization and technological changes impacting the world of work today.
PROSPECTS: promoting decent work
The Future of Work: listen to experts on how the rapidly changing world of work is affecting you.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
All IMF podcasts: listen to the brightest minds in the field of economics and development discuss their latest research and deconstruct global economic trends.
International Seabed Authority (ISA)
ISA podcasts and audio interviews: celebrate the particular contribution of women to the progressive development of the law of the sea as reflected in UNCLOS and related instruments.
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
ITU Podcasts: the series looks at how technology is shaping the world around us.
United Nations Human Rights (OHCHR)
UN Human Rights Podcast: audio, telling stories, holding conversations on the people, policies and places that affect our human rights.
United Nations (General)
amplifyHER: a vibrant, music-filled podcast, celebrating exciting women artists from around the world.
Audiovisual Library of International Law: a unique multimedia resource providing high-quality international law training and research materials for free.
Awake At Night: what does it take to be a United Nations worker in some of the world’s most difficult and dangerous locations? To find out, Melissa Fleming meets them.
DPPA “Behind the numbers”: conversations with peacemakers and decision-makers on the challenges and opportunities of the UN’s women, peace and security (WPS) agenda.
In Their Words: podcast series preserving the voices of those targeted by the Nazis and their racial collaborators during the Holocaust.
Focus on the Future: Focus on the Future is a podcast mini-series, taking listeners behind the scenes during the busiest week of 2024 at UNHQ, General Assembly week.
No Denying It, Climate Action podcast: the UN climate action podcast, bringing you the voices of young climate changemakers from across our warming planet.
PGA Youth Fellows Podcast: hear from the President of the General Assembly’s six Fellows as they unpack and break down the biggest global challenges
Podcast classics: historic recordings from the UN archives, travel back in time to hear some of the most influential voices of the past talk about UN issues that often still resonate today.
SDG:Learncast: podcast series produced by UN SDG:Learn that features leaders and learners of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Surviving the Holocaust. Finding Hope: each episode features an in-depth conversation with a Holocaust survivor, tracing their journey from childhood to the present day.
Tech Against Terrorism: a deep dive into the evolving use of the internet by terrorists and violent extremists.
The daily News in Brief: a summary of the United Nations’ top audio stories of the day.
The Lid is On: highlight the in-depth human stories behind the UN’s work and the way that it touches and impacts ordinary lives around the world.
UN Career Journey: meet professionals of all levels and learn what they do each day to create a more sustainable, peaceful and just world. They share what keeps them motivated and how they keep learning and developing on the job.
UNcomplicated: the United Nations is a complicated place so this podcast from hosts Sinduja Srinivasan and Jason DeWall for UN News – one insider, one outsider – aims to change all that.
UN Interviews: UN News interviews a wide range of people from senior news-making officials, to advocates and beneficiaries from across the world.
UNiting Against Hate: explores how hate speech manifests itself in different parts of the world, showcasing the work of activists who are bringing about positive change.
United Nations Department of Peace Operations (DPO)
Seeking Peace: explores the role of women around the world in bringing lasting peace to their communities.
UN Geneva
Catch-Up Dateline Geneva: 15-minute news podcast from the UN News team, covering the week’s headlines from UN agencies and their partners in the Swiss city and beyond.
ONU Info Genève: l’essentiel de l’actualité de la semaine du Palais des Nations et de la Genève internationale alimentée par les journalistes du Service de l’information des Nations Unies à Genève.
The Next Page: conversations with experts, recordings of events at the UN Library in Geneva and insights into the UN.
UN Roundup: learn about the events that are on each week at the United Nations with Daniel Johnson and Katt Cullen.
It Takes a Global Crisis: ‘It Takes a Global Crisis’, a series of four special episodes produced by the UN Library & Archives Geneva in collaboration with the SDG Lab.
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS)
‘Against the Odds’: asks some extraordinary people what made them winners when all the odds were stacked against them.
United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
Capital Musings: economic development experts, thought-leaders and private sector leaders discussing critical issues at the intersection of development finance.
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
The Weekly Tradecast: podcasts explore how major economic events affect developing countries and the lives of billions of people around the globe.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Digital What!?: a podcast series that explores the digital landscape from the perspective of various experts, taking you from Digital..What!? To Digitally Savvy!
Humans of UNDP: hear firsthand stories from your colleagues around the world about how digital comms transformed their work and their communities.
‘The Insider: Stories of Building Peace’: celebrates the unsung heroes who, through insider mediation, contribute to building peace and stability from within their communities.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Voices of Resilience: in each episode, UNDRR tells you how environmental disasters can be prevented. In addition to sharing stories of resilience (in Spanish).
Water Management: managing water resources, such as rivers and groundwater, can play a key role in reducing the death and destruction from future disasters.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Innovation Matters: explores how innovation, or experimentation with ideas to create value, is changing our world and could drive progress toward the SDGs.
One World, Zero Waste? The Circular Economy Explained: explores some of the key challenges and opportunities from a circular economy, with insights from a diverse range of expert guests.
UN Forest Podcast: each episode of The UN Forest Podcast features special guests and speakers who bring you insights on forests as our strongest allies in fighting climate change and creating a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.
URBAN Matters: series asks mayors and urban experts how they can join forces to share ideas and address city challenges related to the pandemic.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Financing Nature (Special COP27): the five-episode series builds awareness of the need for private finance in delivering the nature-positive outcomes we urgently need for climate mitigation and adaptation.
Let’s Talk Ecosystems: in the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, UNEP and the FAO have interviewed young environmentalists who are making a positive change for our planet.
Resilience – The Global Adaptation: the podcast that brings you inspiring stories from people all over the world who are adapting to climate change in practical, creative and innovative ways.
State of the Planet: this podcast brings together scientists, UN experts, civil society, governments, businesses and others to discuss the world’s most pressing environmental challenges.
Green Citizens podcast: this series brings you to the frontlines of citizen-led climate action from the comfort of wherever you are.
“Great Voices”: five new “Great Voices” podcasts are now available, featuring the timeless words of major thinkers and personalities (French)
Leadership for Equality: a unique podcast series to build new momentum for gender equality. The series features fantastic women leaders joining their voices to celebrate women’s successes.
Leading SDG4 conversations: curated by the SDG 4 High-Level Steering Committee’s Inter-Agency Secretariat, based at UNESCO. Join thought leaders and experts in transformative education as they engage in insightful discussions, sharing valuable knowledge and best practices to propel us towards achieving the Education goal by 2030.
The Policy Nerd Podcast Channel: the place where top thinkers come to talk concrete data and debate policy solutions that would reset us along a more equitable and smarter path.
“Think Critically, Click Wisely”: The podcast series is a condensed version of UNESCO’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Think Critically, Click wisely: Media and Information Literacy in the next normal.
Tough Laugh x Tough Law: Tough Laugh and Cartooning for Peace launch a Podcast series to Raise Awareness on Threats to Cartoonists.
It’s Possible: the series aims to inspire positive change, unpack the climate emergency, and connect science and action.
United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Forced to Flee: seven-part series revisits major upheavals that shaped the past 70 years through the eyes of displaced people and others caught up in events.
Vluchtnummers | Flight Tracks: the series gives a unique insight into the stories of people who fled from war and violence and eventually built a new life in the Netherlands.
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Innocenti Research Centre: several series providing unique insights on the methodologies and processes behind research being conducted on many of the most urgent issues facing the world’s children.
Hidden Heroes: travel the globe to meet women and girls taking a stand against gender injustice – and saving lives along the way.
United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU)
She Stands for Peace: a podcast series that explores the state of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Africa, through a series of dialogues with key actors.
United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)
Responsible AI for Peace: podcasts explore the challenges artificial intelligence presents for international peace and security and connects them with the practical world of AI development.
Disarmament Today: features guests from wide-ranging backgrounds in the area of international peace and security, who share their own expert views and experiences on disarmament issues.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
E4J Series “Voices of Academia”: features leading academics talking about their work and research related to the topics covered by the E4J University Module Series.
Global Judicial Integrity Network: the series features interviews with judges and international judicial experts on a variety of topics related to judicial integrity
SHERLOC Podcast: the “Crime Spot meets SHERLOC” is a monthly podcast that explores transnational organized crime investigations.
United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe (UNRIC)
Inside UN Bonn: tells stories that haven’t been told before with guests representing the diversity of the work and people behind UN Bonn.
Time To Turn The Tide: UNRIC’s own podcast series featuring interviews with ocean experts broadcast ahead of the UN Oceans Conference in July 2022.
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
SSE Essentials: podcast series by UNRISD unpacking entries of this newly released Encyclopedia of the Social and Solidarity Economy.
Principles for Change: in this thought-provoking new podcast series, UNRISD examines how a new eco-social contract can break the cycle of inequality and crises.
UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)
Gobaad: Dignity for All: UNSOM podcast series to raise awareness and take action against gender-based violence (GBV) in Somalia.
10 Years of EGOV 2014-2024: as part of a ten-year celebration programme UNU-EGOV’s podcast was created as a way to discuss governance, technology and development in a more accessible way.
Gender and Health Hub podcasts: produced with the Gender and Health Hub – consolidating policy-relevant evidence on gender integration in health policies and programmes.
Director’s Corner: podcast series with Director Bartel Van de Walle, with topical discussions and interviews with experts.
“Holosy” (“Voices” in Ukrainian): new podcast series to look at the Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent war through a gender lens.
Voice Mail: looks at how the post forms an essential part of the United Nations and its efforts to support sustainable development.
‘Better Food, Better World’: paints an audio picture of food systems around the world – from farm to plate – and of all the people involved in the process.
COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination explained: podcasts for health workers and the public to address common questions about COVID-19 vaccines.
EYE on yellow fever: highlights the global risks of yellow fever and how the EYE Strategy is addressing these challenges in the most-affected countries.
Global Health Matters: a UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank and WHO podcast series on innovative and inspiring research that contributes to achieving health for all.
Health in Europe: WHO Europe work with fascinating and driven individuals and groups. This series listens to their stories.
#NoExcuse podcast: join WHO as they delve deep into the topic of sexual misconduct, share stories of work in the field, surface obstacles to prevention, and explore making zero tolerance for sexual misconduct a part of workplace culture’s new normal.
Science in 5: experts from the World Health Organization explain the science related to a variety of health topics in each 5-minute episode.
The Fourth Dimension: new WHO/Europe podcast that aims to engage listeners in different aspects of quality of care and patient safety.
“The how of WHO” (“ВОЗ рекомендует” in Russian): Russian-language podcast series explains where public health recommendations come from and what an individual can do to stay healthy.
WIPODs podcasts: tune in for stories and conversations on innovation, creativity, intellectual property, and much more.
World Bank
AFRONOMICS: series discusses the most recent economic trends that are impacting growth and development in Africa.
Expert Answers: every episode sits you down with a World Bank specialist: an expert answers with expert answers.
Kaalavastha: series aims to capture some of the stories behind how Kerala is building a more resilient future for itself.
People First (FR): une serie sur les thématiques de développement spécifiques aux habitants d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre.
Table for 10 Billion: limited podcast series exploring what it will take to feed, nourish and protect a growing planet.
Tell Me How, The Infrastructure Podcast Series: host Roumeen Islam chats with global experts on how countries can put policies in place to raise standards of living — sustainably.
The Development Podcast: a journey around the world of international development in this flagship podcast from the World Bank Group.
The Poverty Podcast: join specialists as they explore the latest data and research on poverty reduction, shared prosperity, and equity around the globe.
Trade Tips Podcast: series tackles the big issues in the world of trade and explores solutions.
Vosa – Pacific Podcast Series: talks with Pacific Islanders challenging social, cultural and economic boundaries in the region and beyond.
Water World: explores the issues that are crucial to delivering a water-secure and healthy world for all.
What Have We Learned?: podcast aims to support the process of mining lessons from the past to contribute to more effective, resilient and sustainable development.
Let’s Talk Trade: trade is about people. It is about connections, challenges, and opportunities. Let’s Talk Trade brings these stories to the forefront.
Missing a Podcast?
If you are a UN Agency, Fund, Programme or other entity and you think we are missing a United Nations podcast, feel free to submit additional series to us by writing to web@unric.org.