For World Environment Day and the World Ocean Summit 2017: ‘A Plastic Ocean’
“We’ve created such a mess. And we’ve left it for future generations to solve”. A Plastic Ocean follows an international team of adventurers and researchers who’ve spent seven years travelling around the world, peering into the stomachs of sea birds and turtles and taking blubber samples from dolphins and whales. What they found shocked them and will astound you! More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into our oceans every year, and much of it ends up ingested by sea creatures…and ultimately by us. This feature-length documentary, which presents never-before-seen images of marine life, looks at the global effects of plastic pollution and the solutions that could change things for the better.
A discussion followed the screening, with:
- Ms. Liliana Andonova, Expert on Politics of the Environment, the Graduate Institute
- Mr. Joao Sousa, Marine Programme Manager, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- Ms. Katherine Hill, Scientific Officer, Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, World Meteorological Organisation
- The debate was moderated by Mr. Pascal Hagmann, Director, Oceaneye
Presented in collaboration with the Graduate Institute Geneva: