Home Updates and Notifications Past Competitions and Awards 3rd edition: Health for All Film Festival

3rd edition: Health for All Film Festival

3rd edition: Health for All Film Festival

For the third Health for All Film Festival which is to be held in 2022, the World Health Organization is inviting independent filmmakers, production companies, public health institutions, NGOs, communities, students, and film schools from around the world to submit their original short films from 28 October 2021 to 30 January 2022 on health. The festival’s aim is to recruit a new generation of film and video innovators to champion and promote global health issues.

The categories are:

  • Universal health coverage (UHC): films about mental health, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and other UHC stories linked to communicable diseases not part of emergencies;
  • Health emergencies: films about health emergencies, such as COVID-19, Ebola, as well as disaster relief and health in conflict-settings;
  • Better health and well-beingfilms about environmental and social determinants of health, such as nutrition, sanitation, pollution, gender, and/or about health promotion or health education.

For each of these three GRAND PRIX categories which aligns with WHO’s global goalsforpublichealth, candidates can submit short documentaries, fiction films or animation films of three to eight minutes in length.

Additionally, three special prizes will be attributed to some short-listed videos not receiving a GRAND PRIX. In 2022, the three special prizes will include:

  • Special Prize on Health Innovation – films presenting one or more innovative solutions with a proven positive impact in the health and wellbeing of people.
  • Special Prize on Rehabilitation – films telling stories about the life changing impact that rehabilitation has on people’s lives.
  • Student film prize – films produced by students who can justify that the films were made during their university studies.


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