The Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, initiated in 2010 by the former Secretary-General, continues its drive to improve nutrition for all people, everywhere, with the stewardship of 22 appointed global leaders who are committed to fighting malnutrition in all its forms as members of the SUN Movement Lead Group.

Three Nordic citizens are among the global leaders; Ms. Inger Ashing, CEO, Save the Children International (Sweden), Ms. Gunhlid Stordalen, Founder and President, EAT Foundation (Norway) and Ms. Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships (Finland).
Appointed by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, these prominent figures are committed to champion nutrition, and to steer the SUN Movement and its mission to eradicate malnutrition in all its forms by 2030. Some three billion people – almost half of all humanity – cannot afford a healthy diet. And two-thirds of children lack the diverse diets they need to thrive.
“Without good nutrition, there is no human development. Every child needs to have access to nutritious and safe foods so they can grow and develop to their full potential. Unfortunately, today more than 1 in 10 people in the world are severely food and nutrition insecure”, said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

“I believe that the approach of the SUN Movement to tackle malnutrition through a country-owned multi-sectoral and multistakeholder approach is more crucial than ever before. These global leaders are championing country-led efforts to scale up nutrition and to deliver for girls, boys and their families a world free from malnutrition by 2030.”
65 countries – 4,000 organisations
Members of the SUN Movement Lead Group include representatives from the membership of the SUN Movement, which includes 65 countries, 4 Indian states, more than 4,000 civil society organizations, more than 1,400 businesses (including small and medium enterprises), 16 United Nations agencies, international finance institutions and donor governments and philanthropies funding nutrition. Lead Group Members are listed below.
The SUN Movement is dedicated to nutrition action and collaboration including helping countries to implement policies and legislation towards a systemic approach that provides every child, adolescent, mother and family access to a nutritious diet. The Movement promotes a holistic approach, where actors join forces for nutrition advocacy, investment and coordinated action at country level, through national ownership and leadership.
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