To mark the 7th World Congress against the Death Penalty The United Nations and ECPM present: ‘Lindy Lou, Juror Number 2’
For 20 years, Lindy has lived with an unbearable feeling of guilt. Committed to fulfilling her civic duty, Lindy sat with 11 other people on a jury that handed down the death penalty to a Mississippi man convicted of a double homicide. An overwhelming feeling of regret compels Lindy to track down her fellow jurors. A conservative, religious woman from the South, she manages to tackle this topic with humour, an open mind and sincere curiosity.
For more on the film click here.
The film was followed by a panel discussion with special guests:
- Florent Vassault, Director of the film
- Sandrine Ageorges-Skinner, Activist against the death penalty, and wife of death row inmate Frank Skinner
- Paul d’Auchamp, OHCHR Deputy Regional Representative for Europe
- Moderated by UNRIC